The benefits and necessity to earth yourselves
The health benefits of earthing
To ground yourself regularly is a wonderful way to obtaining and maintaining a healthy body. The contact to the earth with your bare feet restores the natural electrical state of the body.
Today in our modern civilization, we have become accustomed to living in such away that it prevents the contact with the Earth. We live in multi-story, isolated houses, we walk on asphalt or move in a Faraday cage on rubber wheels, we wear shoes that insulate us from the earth and sleep in elevated beds that keep us at a distance to Earth.
The possible effects to your health
The earth’s surface is full of free electrons. It has an electrically negative potential on its surface. If we are in direct contact with the earth, then electrons can run freely between the earth and our bodies and we reach the same electrical potential as the earth.
This has two distinct, positive effects.
First of all earthing yourself has a protective effect towards the voltage that we are exposed to on the earth’s surface, as the electromagnetic fields under which we more or less suffer are reduced drastically.
And secondly when we are directly connected to the earth, we receive a surplus of negatively charged electrons which among other things can reduce and neutralize the free radicals in our body. Free radicals are positively charged molecules that are responsible for example for dermatitis and tissue damages.
Detoxification of the body
“Earthing” is an excellent remedy against any kind of Inflammation. The list of diseases related to chronic inflammation is quiet long. In addition, earthing also proves to be very helpful for many other illnesses, as scientific studies have proven.
Here is a selection of the positive effects that could be identified by earthing:
- Better Sleep
- Stress reduction and relaxation
- Regulates blood pressure and improves blood flow properties
- Relieves tension and helps with sore muscles
- Helps with headache
- Improves or eliminates acute and chronic pain
- Increases the energy level
- Improves and accelerates wound healing, reduces wounds
- Improves or eliminates inflammation in the body
- Harmonises Body Rhythms
- Improves menstrual discomfort
- Helps with jetlag
Put your feet on the ground and walk bare foot as much as possible
When contacting the earth’s surface (which can be going, sitting or lying) our body receives the same electrical potential as the ground.
The tranquility of the earth can pass into us and we get a boost of electrons. Our immune system is strengthened, and our body is less exposed to electromagnetic fields. It should be noted that scientific measurements have shown that certain physiological changes can take place 20 minutes after being in contact with the earth, whereby just taking a few steps with your shoes off does not always guarantee success. Of course, swimming in open waters is also a wonderful way to get in touch with the earth.