Geopathic interference zones
There are harmful, beneficial, and neutral earth radiations. Geopathic interference zones are areas in which radiation emits from the interior of the earth which can have a negative effect on humans and most animals and plants. These include earth faults and rock fractures, but also the so-called earth-magnetic grids and water veins.
Feng Shui, Geopathology and Geomancy
Feng shui, Geopathology and Geomancy are sciences that deal with energy. Their contributions consist of locating and removing negative energies or rendering them harmless and locating positive energy or creating the conditions for it. These fields of knowledge are much older than their names. Since the knowledge is based on the sensing of energies and the observation of their effects, and the fact that these energies also existed in primeval times, it can be assumed that our ancestors deployed the science too.
The oldest traditions as well as buildings and cultural sites that were built taking the above science into consideration came from ancient China, Egypt, and India (the Indus civilisation). It is striking that the most essential knowledge and experience in this respect were gained in these cultures around about the same time.
Radiesthesia as the basis of geopathological investigations
The word radiesthesia, which is a combination of Latin and Greek, means “to feel waves”. The radiesthesist concentrates with all his mind power exclusively on what is to be found. Usually, a Biotensor or Pendulum is used as an indicator. Depending on the deflection of these devices, a “Yes” or “No” can be detected.
The function of radiesthesia can be compared with a radio receiver (radio tuner). First, the desired radio frequency band wave where the radio station is located (medium wave, short wave, etc.) is set. Then the exact radio station frequency is sought. As soon as the receiver (the radio) has reached the corresponding frequency of the transmitter, the selected programme can be heard.
In radiesthesia, the human being takes on the role of the radio receiver. With his thought power (the tuned in frequency), the object (the radio transmitter) is sought with the help of his diverted concentration (the wave frequency). If this specific frequency (the radio frequency) hits the object corresponding to it (the radio station), the connection is established and the indicator answers “Yes” (The desired radio programme is heard). If the emitted wave frequency does not hit the corresponding frequency of the sought object, the indicator (biotensor or pendulum) answers with a “No” (The desired radio station is not received).
The geopathologist sends out the frequency corresponding to the harmful earth radiation through the waves of his thought energy, which is directed towards the harmful earth radiation to be located. He walks through the rooms to be examined with the biotensor or pendulum in his hand. During the examination, the biotensor is in constant motion. If no harmful earth radiation appears under the biotensor head, i.e., it does not come across the frequency he is looking for, it reacts with a lateral deflection, and a defined “No”. If it does find harmful earth radiation, and the frequency he is looking for, the biotensor reacts with a vertical deflection and a defined “Yes”.
Radiästhesie locating is the best and most accurate method for geopathological site investigations. The biotensor is used to determine radiesthesically where geopathic fields and other harmful radiations are located, such as what kind they are, how strong they are, and much more. In doing so, versatile examination results can be obtained, which would not be possible with any technical device. A precondition for this is of course that the person working radiesthesically has learned to avoid sources of errors.
What are earth radiations?
In the last decades and centuries mankind has gradually adapted to the naturally occurring radiations from the earth’s interior.
People commonly understand the term “earth rays” or “earth radiation” as an increased emission from the interior of the earth, which comes from…
- Water veins
- Rock fault
- Curry grid
- Hartmann grid
- Benker grid
In general, the term earth radiation covers all natural phenomena’s that cause a physical change in the earth’s magnetic field and can have a positive or negative effect on plants, animals, and humans.
What is a water vein?
A water vein is basically flowing water in the ground. Water veins are nothing more than small underground rivers or streams. However, the water does not flow unhindered through the ground, except in a few cracks or faults, rather the water squeezes and presses through solid soil or rock.
The streaming movements at greater depths creates frictional electricity, which not only causes disorders in the living organism, but cane also be seen in plant growth and sometimes through cracks in the walls.
The edges of these underground watercourses at greater depths have a phenomenon in that they endure dangerous electromagnetic fields. A bed should therefore be preferably placed away from earth radiations caused by water veins. However, there is unfortunately rarely enough space in a bedroom for a rearrangement, so harmonisation is the only solution.
Here are a few possible effects:
- Headaches, migraines
- Problems sleeping through the night
- Tiredness, exhaustion
- Hyperactivity in children
- Tension
- Rheumatism
- Hip problems
- Back pain
- Burnout syndrome
What is a fault?
A fault is a break in the earth’s crust (also called dip slip fault). A fault zone is caused by tectonic forces. In a fault, clods of earth that are separated from the fault move against each other. Such faults can shift rocks by several hundred metres. The deeper the fault, the stronger the concentrated earth energies appear at the earth’s surface. Fault lines can also have water flowing through them. They are usually very extensive zones that can cross entire locations. At such zones people living there are enormously impacted.
Here are a few possible effects:
- Irritability
- Unresolved quarrelsomeness
- Depression
- Very common in children, developmental disorders and learning difficulties
- Concentration difficulties
- Miscarriages
- Leukaemia
- Cancer and similar symptoms
The best-known fault is the San Andreas Fault. It consists of two tectonic plates that slide past each other. San Francisco lies on the American plate, Los Angeles on the Pacific plate. The decreasing distance is about six centimeters per year.
In some places the fault moves constantly and slowly, in others it snags and can then cause violent quakes due to jerky shifts. This is what happened in San Francisco in 1906. The magnitude of the quake at that time was estimated at 7.8 on the Richter-Scale.
The consequences: 3000 people died – hundreds of thousands were left homeless, and the city was completely in ruins.
The economic damage was estimated at around 400 million dollars – in today’s purchasing power, this would correspond to ten billion dollars and thereby roughly the damage caused by Hurricane Katrina.
Curry lines
Curry lines, or Curry diagonal grids, act as a terrestrial force, as a magnetic radiation, and connected with the terrestrial magnetism and earth rotation. They usually run diagonally in the cardinal directions, i.e., north – east to south – west and south – east to north – west. It is also called the 2nd grid and is spread all over the globe. With the ever-increasing electromagnetic radiation, commonly known as electrosmog, there can also be an additional coupling and recharge of the terrestrial and cosmic curry radiation. The intensity of the strength can vary, because the influences from outside play an enormous role (moon phases). At full moon, a curry crossing point is almost twice as strong as a crossing point of the global grid. Both grids, Curry and Hartmann, have a strong influence on the magnetism of the Earth or on the Earth’s magnetic field lines.
The Curry grid is very dangerous when it crosses a water vein.
The grid is two thirds weaker during the day than at night, which is why sleep disorders occur very often. As the body cannot recover during night sleep, these disturbances can lead to a lack of vital energy, which makes us susceptible to illness.
Here are a few possible effects:
- Problems with the nose and sinuses
- Ulcers
- Thyroid disorders
- Stomach problems
- kidney problems
- Abdominal problems
- Paralysis
- cancer
- hip pain
- Earache
Hartman – Grid, also called global grid, is directed to a geometrical figure by the rotation of the earth. It forms a grid-like system of electromagnetic waves spreading over the earth’s surface in a north – south and east – west direction. From experience, it can be said that people with normal reactions will have less problems when sleeping on a Hartmann grid. On the other hand, at crossing points, in connection with other anomalies, health issues can occur. It always depends on the sensitivity and the duration of exposure of the individual person.
Here are a few possible effects:
- Problems with the nose and sinuses
- Ulcers
- Thyroid disorders
- Stomach problems
- kidney problems
- Abdominal problems
- Paralysis
- cancer
- hip pain
- Earache
Benker – Grid
The Benker – Grid can be looked at as a cube system consisting of cuboids with a side length of 10m x10m x 10m. The earth’s surface is divided into cube-shaped fields of 10m. In the Benker – Grid cubes the fields alternate between positively and negatively charged cubes. A positive charged cube supports or encourages life processes but may have an opposite effect with excessive exposure. Similarly, negative charged cubes generally have a calming effect, but can also extract energy from the body with extensive exposure. As there is a permanent exchange of natural energy between the cosmic and the interior of the earth, energy fluctuations will take place which you unconsciously will perceive in your body.
The moon phases will also influence the power of the Benker grid. Since the energy fields and earth radiations are particularly intense at night, you will first experience sleep disorders to begin with. If you wake up between 1 and 4 o’clock in the morning, you can assume that the Benker grid or earth radiations are responsible for this. Then during the night their power is up to 3 times as strong as during the day.
The longer you stay in the columns or rows of a Benker grid, the influence of the radiation on you and your health will be more persistent.
It is therefore very dangerous for a person to stay in these stimulus zones of the Benker grid for a longer period because the cell destruction is far greater than the repair mechanism that the immune system can compensate for. The Benker system has a pathological effect on cells especially the stimulus zones of north/south radiation and at crossing points.
Here are a few possible effects:
- Depression
- Mood swings
- Distressing dreams, nightmares
- Teeth grinding
- Palpitations in bed
People suffering from chronic illnesses usually have geopathic stress, i.e., they almost all, without exception, sleep on interference zones. Geopathogenic zones are connected to stress factors and can cause chronic diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, rheumatism, etc. Health problems such as allergies, sleep disorders and depression are also often based on these physically measurable radiations.
In a study conducted over many years under scientific supervision, the blood count of several test persons was so strongly altered after a mere 20-minute stay on an earth radiation cross point, that health disorders could be detected.
Mammals, apart from cats, also react strongly to earth radiation, and consequently do not even lie down in those areas. Therefore, you should never force a dog to sleep on an interference zone. Always let the dog choose its sleeping place, it will thank you for it. On the other hand, a cat instinctively knows that the earth’s radiation is relatively low during the day and very strong at night, which is why cats are nocturnal animals.
Native people, such as the nomads, make use of the earth radiation know-how of their dogs. Before they find a suitable place to sleep, they observe where the dog lies down to sleep before they setup their sleeping places.
Our ancestors were also nomads and always on the move to do business. Today we live in the same place for several years and hardly move, except to go shopping when we go on holiday, or to go to work. The latter less and less in today’s world, as many people do home office work.
This means that today we spend 24 hours of our time in the same place. Therefore, if this place has a lot of geopathic interferences, the people living there will be heavily burdened and may possibly fall ill.
This document is for general information purposes only. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, the author assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions.