Energetic harmonization of living and working environment
There was once a time when people knew which place was good for house, yard and stable. Often it was also the animals, such as cattle, horses, and sheep, which helped to find a good place. Where the animals liked to rest, was usually a good, radiation-free place, and a good place to build a house, yard and stable.
However, in recent decades this knowledge of finding a good place has been somewhat forgotten. Today buildings are built on areas with geopathic interference zones. Correspondingly are the residential and living qualities at these places.
Locations, places, lakes, and landscapes are vibrant and store experiences and memories, just like us. Therefore, locations, places, lakes, and landscapes can either strengthen or weaken us, strongly promote, or block our energies according to their own energies (experiences, memories).
If we spend time in places that have good energy for us, we benefit. In places where we are in harmony, our body responds with strength and health and our soul with balance. Places in which the energy is in contradiction to us, or to what we want to do there, stresses our bodies and our souls. They can endanger our health and prevent us from achieving further growth.
Additional load for the organism
The cell is the building block of the human body. The human organism consists of about 100 trillion cells. In addition to biochemical processes, our cells communicate in the form of fine electromagnetic oscillations (bioelectrical signals). As a result, large amounts of information are exchanged.
An important source of energy for humans and many other living organisms is the earth’s natural magnetic field. Part of our brain (hippocampus) oscillates at the same frequency (7.8 Hz) as the earth’s magnetic field and controls vital processes. Without the signal of the earth’s magnetic field, life would not be possible for humans.
If cell associations are impaired in their function through various continuous interfering frequencies (electromagnetic radiation – earth radiation), or artificial light, the natural oscillation of the affected cells can change. Persistent interfering oscillations will lead to miss-regulations in the body. The organism is forced to make every effort to maintain its natural oscillation by constantly expending vital life energy. « The body is stressed »
Without adequate rest, stress can affect the overall health, permanently impairing the body. Furthermore, the possible psychological stress should not be underestimated.
Sleep disorders
A widespread and increasing prevalence are sleep disorders. There are many forms of them. Difficulty falling asleep, not sleeping through the night (insomnia), sleep attacks during the day (hypersomnia) or breathing disorders during sleep (sleep apnoea). If you can hardly get any rest at night, if the worry mill in your head doesn’t stop spinning, if you wake up at night and find it difficult to get back to sleep, and you are tired and worn out during the day. This could be the result, that the pineal gland cannot produce the required neurohormone melatonin, which is necessary for humans. It is the queen of all glands in our body because it is the clock generator for the orderly processes of waking and sleeping phases, it activates the immune system, and it influences our soul.
One could take artificially produced melatonin and find a good sleep. However, the problem is that our poor pineal gland, which is already being knocked out of sync by electromagnetic fields (Electrosmog) and artificial lights, especially LED screens, deteriorates more and more, and slowly stops functioning. Then, your sleep rhythm doesn’t work naturally anymore because the REM phases are dependent on the pineal gland clock.
During the REM phase (Rapid Eye Movement), the eyes move very quickly behind the closed eyelids, while the muscles of the body are practically paralyzed. Breathing and heart rate increase, the brain is strongly supplied with blood. In this phase the psyche and nervous system recover, the soul is freed.
Sleep consists of different sleep stages: falling asleep (stage 1), light sleep (stage 2), deep sleep (stage 3) and REM sleep (stage 4). Every 60-90 minutes, the REM sleep occurs often with intense dreams.
People with sleep problems do not go through these stages or go through them incompletely. They also produce less melatonin, which both regulates the sleep cycle and is a potent free radical scavenger. Often, they have concurrent elevated levels of cortisol (stress), which also inhibits melatonin. This stress can be due to work-overload, but very often also due to WiFi and other high-frequency devices, such as the cell phone in the bedroom, and by too much blue light, which sends the wrong “midday sun” signal to the pineal gland. This also prevents us from entering the restful REM phase, the realm of dreams.
Because it is about your health
A house harmonization is the energetic harmonization of living and working areas. Stressful sources of interference are removed or energetically transformed. Many disruptive factors are taken into consideration such as geopathological interference zones, electromagnetic fields, commonly known as “Electrosmog” and artificial light.
Nowadays, people spend many hours of their lives indoors, usually at work or at home. Therefore, it is important that in these places the energy has a positive effect on the body strength and health.
An energetic house harmonization can be done in person (face to face) at your home, or via remote diagnosis (remote perception – tele-radiesthesia). In the case of remote diagnosis, the consultation is done by phone or via a video conference.
The human being receives information via the subconscious. Depending on the reception frequency set, as with a radio, the person receives good or bad information or energies. The goal is to set the right frequency.
Remote diagnostics
During a remote diagnosis (tele – radiesthesia) we check which geopathogenic interference zones are present and the electromagnetic radiation intensity. This is done using dowsing rods and pendulums. We usually use a one-handed rod (tensor) to find out and measure which disruptive factors are present, known as remote perception.
It starts with a trustful conversation, where we talk about possible problems concerning geopathogenic interference zones, electromagnetic fields (electrosmog) and blue light. During the conversation, initial measurements are also taken, and valuable tips are given.
For this we need the following information:
- Consent that we can do an investigation
- Surname, first name (family members)
- Location
- Address of the object
- Picture of the object
- Floor plan / Sketch
In the second part, possible interfering factors are measured and entered in a specially designed evaluating protocol.
a) External Influences
The external influences such as geopathogenic interference zones and electrosmog intensity are measured (remote perception). The local position of radio and possibly directional transmitters are included if this information is available.
b) Interior Influences
Indoor influences deal with topics such as building materials, objects, plants and much more. These are also examined, (remote perception), evaluated and recorded.
c) Personal Energy Field
The personal energy field, also known as life force, is measured (remote perception) and recorded. For this we need your consent. The recorded values are momentary values and can of course change. This field is connected to the organism, which means that the ability of the immune system to fight off diseases, for example, is an expression of the quality of the energy field.
In the third part with your consent, we discuss solutions to make the living area more harmonious and implement them. After about 30 to 60 days, a follow-up inspection is made and, if necessary, adjustments are implemented..
Personal on-site harmonization
During a personal house harmonisation at your home, we can measure not only the geopathogenic interference zones but also the electromagnetic fields, and the existing, dangerous blue light component of today’s artificial light, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and computer screens.
It starts with a trustful conversation, where we talk about possible problems concerning geopathogenic interference, electromagnetic fields (electrosmog) and blue light. During the conversation, initial measurements are also taken, and valuable tips are given.
For this we need the following information:
- Consent that we may make a survey
- Surname, first name (family members)
- Location
- Address of the object
- Picture of the object
- Floor plan / Sketch
In the second part, possible interfering factors are measured and entered in a specially designed evaluation protocol.
a) External Influences
he external influences such as geopathogenic interference zones and electromagnetic radiation intensity are measured (remote perception). Furthermore, the electromagnetic fields (electrosmog) are measured with measuring instruments and recorded. The local position of radio and possibly directional transmitters are included if this information is available. On request, we can also measure the dangerous blue light component of today’s artificial light, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and computer screens.
b) Interior Influences
Indoor influences deal with topics such as building materials, objects, plants and much more. These are also examined, (remote perception), evaluated and recorded.
c) Personal Energy Field
The personal energy field, also known as life force, is measured (remote perception) and recorded. For this we need your consent. The recorded values are momentary values and can of course change. This field is connected to the organism, which means that the ability of the immune system to fight off diseases, for example, is an expression of the quality of the energy field.
In the third part with your consent, we discuss solutions to make the living area more harmonious and implement them. After about 30 to 60 days, a follow-up inspection is made and, if necessary, adjustments are implemented.
We have specialised ourselves in the field of geopathological interference zones, electromagnetic fields, and artificial light. If you are interested in a consultation, or if you have any questions, please contact us. You can reach us by phone, email or through our contact form on the webpage.