Insomnia & Sleep Disorders
The harmful health effects of insomnia
In recent decades, there is an increase of people suffering from insomnia and sleep disorders. In many cases, these people are considered to be healthy, and in other cases the disease is known, but neither medicines nor medical therapies can help.
Human beings spend almost a third of their life asleep. In order to regenerate sufficiently for the next day, human beings need to be able regenerate in a harmonized environment. If however this important regeneration cannot take place or is limited, then your health will be effected noticeably. Insomnia, also known as sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder where people have trouble sleeping, and the human body is not able to regenerate naturally. The most common causes of sleep disturbances are geopathic stress zones in bedrooms, caused by earth radiation fields.
There are various types of radiation fields, the natural earth radiation fields and the man-made radiation fields, the so called none-ionizing radiation fields, commonly known as electrosmog.
Sleep disorder due to the influence of geopathic zones, on the example of water veins
Basically, water flows from mountain to the valley and has to make its way through earth and rock. As a result, hydrostatic pressure results in a disturbance in the natural earth’s magnetic field. The result is geopathic zones which are responsible for a variety of disease symptoms depending on the intensity and duration.
Der Grund dafür ist leicht nachvollziehbar: Mit den Veränderungen des natürlichen Erdmagnetfeldes beeinflusst die durch die Wasserader erzeugte Strahlung auch den körpereigenen Magnetismus der menschlichen Zellen sowie die Membranpotentiale. Es entstehen Blockaden im Steuerungssystem des Organismus, die eine geregelte physische Erholung verhindern. Besonders heikel sind Wasseradern, die direkt unter einem Schlafplatz gelegen sind – hier kann der Mensch jede Nacht über viele Stunden in Mitleidenschaft gezogen werden.
Typische Folgen einer Belastung sind Schlafstörungen wie Ein- und Durchschlafschwierigkeiten und morgendliche Erschöpfung. Ebenso leiden Betroffene häufig unter anhaltenden Kopfschmerzen. Auf lange Sicht können ausserdem Rücken- und Gliederschmerzen auftreten. Diese Auswirkungen von Wasseradern machen sich bei sensiblen Menschen schnell bemerkbar; andere dagegen spüren die Adern zunächst nicht und setzen sich über Jahre hinweg unwissend der schädlichen Strahlung aus, bevor sich die ersten Symptome zeigen.
Sleep disorder due to the effect of electrosmog
Healthy sleep is important. This is the only way the body can recover sufficiently and is fit for the next day. Therefore, sleep problems have a direct impact on our well-being. Those who have a hard time falling asleep, will feel bad during the day.
It is known that electromagnetic radiation shifts the human’s day/night cycle. It is also proven that melatonin synthesis is suppressed and that the neurotransmitter balance is suspended.
There are various possible affects due to electrosmog radiation, whereby children and youths are particularly sensitive to their influence. Typical effects on children are headaches, concentration weakness, learning difficulties, hyperactivity, prone to disease and epileptic attacks. In many cases also different types of sleep disorders can occur.
This can be expressed with sleep disturbances, but also depression and concentration weakness. For sensitive people and children, neurovegetative disturbances can even occur at low field strengths.
Residents can take these electric fields like an antenna. But these days no one realizes that domestic technology can literally put people under tension. Especially when you have no earth contact, for example when sleeping in a bed.
Our experience shows that electromagnetically disturbed bedrooms can be responsible for diseases and insomnia.
The human organism responds sensitively to electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic fields in the environment. After all, the stimulus transmission in the body is also based on electrical impulses, and these can get mixed up. The continuous influence of electromagnetic radiation puts the human cells in a permanent state of stress, which can result in various disease symptoms.
Sleep disorder due to the influence of blue light
In Switzerland alone some 4.5 million boxes of sleeping pills and 2.8 million of tranquilizers are sold each year. In France, it’s 134 million boxes of sleeping pills or tranquilizers.
These figures show that sleeping difficulties are a real health and social problem. Tiredness and lack of sleep are not only unpleasant in themselves; they entail the risk of adverse effects and dangers, especially for the young.
Tiredness and lack of sleep are not only unpleasant in themselves; they entail the risk of adverse effects and dangers, especially for the young.
The blue light wavelengths emitted by TV, computer or smartphone screens, as well as by the new generation of low-energy light bulbs, suppress your production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates your sleep patterns.
In fact, ” blue light ” activates about a hundred times more light-sensitive receptors in your retina than the white light from traditional light sources, for the same intensity of light.
And it is precisely these receptors that stimulate – or fail to stimulate – your internal production of melatonin.